For a long time I have dreamed of having a Christian youth center in Oradea. Unfortunately, it has remained a dream for the time being, but I have learned that we can continue to dream and that we can also dream big! This dream is certainly still very much alive!
There are many options for young people to go out. There are bars, cafés or discotheques in Oradea. But even though I don’t see these places very much inside, I know that many of these are places where teenagers are generally confronted with a not very healthy atmosphere. Often they have to “be someone” to feel valued there. This may concern drinking, how to dress or behave, etc. And the standards and values are often not very high…
It is often very difficult for many teenagers to discover themselves in such an atmosphere, outside the safety and protection of healthy norms and values, which they do not always receive at home. But they also live in a country where standards and values regarding relationships are often low. It is difficult to discover their self-esteem, who they are, as unique and valuable human-being! We really want to offer them a place where they can be who they truly are. A center ‘which is different’. For the youth and from the youth! A place of their own. But also a place where they can meet other teenagers. A place where they can go to for a chat, a meeting or even for doing homework or an afternoon/weekend gaming session. And a place where we can organize activities or workshops on all kinds of current topics.
There are a number of goals regarding this project:
– The opportunity to provide a good and safe place.
– The opportunity to meet other teens from other churches and/or schools and organizations or from anywhere.
– Lower the threshold to welcome every youngster, believers or non-believers as well, and build a relationship with them.
– Any help with practical matters (referral to professionals, etc.)
– Building relationships with young people that we can meet elsewhere, at school or a youth camp.
I have by now shared this idea with a number of people and it has been enthusiastically received by people from different churches and organizations.
That’s great, because it should be an interdenominational project. This, with the aim of binding youth from different churches together and also having a ‘neutral position’ towards the various denominations, but above all an independent place for all youngsters outside of the church.
At the moment, this dream is still ‘just’ a dream. But the idea is there and several people want to help to realize this dream. The ‘waiting’ is for the right time, suitable people, location and especially financial resources to make this happen, also for the longer term.
The vision of this center is further elaborated on this page.